Friday, March 2, 2007

On the Moon

There's a million other things I could be doing at this moment. But somehow getting this blog set up seems to be the one thing I want to do most. (I'd started a blog before, but wasn't happy with goDaddy's program. This one is much more fun.)

"Shifting Gears" was my last entry on that blog. And here I am, shifting again.(does that make me shifty?) My vague plan is to use this blog to keep others updated on my art and any terribly exciting events connected to it. A secondary part of this Plan is to give myself an arena in which to write, which is something I like to do. And thirdly, and not least in the "vague" department, is to extend my presence on the web, which seems to be required, at this point.

So here I am. On the moon. Where do I go from here? Stay tuned.


A Journey Illustrated said...

You go girl! Blogging is freeing. It is a process in motion and it's live. You will be amazed. And besides, it is somehow gratifying to be able to blog at 4:00am! Yippee!

melissa lanitis gregory said...

thanks, Kristen! But I usually only roll over in bed and jot thoughts down in a notebook...

A Journey Illustrated said...

I like that it's morphing. Very blogesque. Doesn't the word blog sound like it takes new form as it moves along engulfing everything in its path? Oh wait. That's blob!

melissa lanitis gregory said...

Yes, like sbcBLOBAL. I think you have a secret "blob" fixation.

and, the weblog (actually hate the word blob; i mean blog) is morphing as we speak!
Yes, I'm still at it.