Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Studio Time, Skiing Time

papier mache and mixed media art helmet by Melissa Lanitis Gregory

Speaking of time spent in the art studio...(weren't we?), I didn't work in the studio on Tuesday. It was so beautiful and sunny and gorgeous out that I took the day off from making art, and took my kids skiing. But, art never leaves my mind for long, and I had one of those cool mini-epiphanies that's about something you already know, but it comes to you in a new and useful way.

I was watching my older son ski, and he's so comfortable and relaxed on his skiis; just looks like he was born on them (he practically was). And here's me: been skiing since I was eleven, now it's a few decades later (give or take) and I'm still just a solid intermediate. And (here's the mini-piph) I realize that it all comes down to the time one puts in. Even after all my years of skiing, he's got so much more time on his skiis than I do (especially since having kids!) that it's just second nature to him.

And, so it goes for the art. The more studio time you put in, the more you're going to feel comfortable on your skiis. No, wait... The more studio time you put in, the more comfortable you become with your art: how you make it, how you get it out in the world.

My husband is taking the boys skiing today. And where will I be? In my studio!


A Journey Illustrated said...

I must put that helmet on my head!

melissa lanitis gregory said...

I'll get my camera...

redredday said...

hi Melissa! i want to wear that helmet too! thank you for your comment and the mention below. :). 'Bowls on Their HEads' perfect title and what a wonderful idea. i had a lot of criticism on that post i did but these people love me and just want me to try to appear normal in public.
you look great in your helmet here. i love the shape and colors. kind of makes me think of a turtle shell with very special powers. :).
hope you've been enjoying much studio time creating! looking forward to see more of your work...

melissa lanitis gregory said...

Hi RRD... I loved your comments; thank you. Especially "turtle shell with special powers". Love that! It was actually based on candy corn and a larger helmet I did ("Grand Poobah") that was more candy-corn-ish in shape...

I'm surprised you got criticism for that photo; I love it. As an artist, it's okay not to appear normal in public, at least in my book! I had another look around your site.... yours is different and I like that; lots of good links too. I'll come back and visit soon.