Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Photo Overload

The extreme heat in the studio notwithstanding (is that one word?), I finally managed to push past my resistance and shoot some of the newer work. I needed to do this to apply for a local co-op, but I always feel like I'm winging it, and consequently, I avoid it.

They came out better than anything I've previously done....but when I'm rich and famous I shall pay a professional photographer.


Tara said...

Ooooo.... these are so beautiful... peaceful... rich.
I love 'em!

melissa lanitis gregory said...

Thanks! The red/oranges were colors that I was working with while the Angora Fire burned nearby...now I'm reading Harry Potter, and the colors have changed to blue and black. Go figure!
I skipped over to your blog and got caught up reading past posts...great stuff. I love the chairs! It's inspiring me to move forward with my own. I picked up a good prospect at the thrift store yesterday...

A Journey Illustrated said...

Wow! The photos turned out great! You've even got somewhat of a gradation going on.

melissa lanitis gregory said...

Very slightly somewhat! But thanks for noticing...
It was a learning experience to get them printed...I cropped a few of them in my photo editing program, and consequently they printed out with a white edge along two sides...hmph. I wanted Stu at Lightcraft to do it but he lost his house in the fire! So he's busy with insurance, etc...and I needed them NOW. Of course.

A Journey Illustrated said...

Poor Stu! Well, what a great opportunity to expand your photographic talents! Can you trim the white off?

melissa lanitis gregory said...

I could have, but then they would have been a different size from the others. I figured it was the best I could do at the time, and let it go at that.